Crate andiskaz

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This crate provides basic utilities for writing applications with Terminal User Interface (TUI). It provides an event listener, and it provides a handle to a double buffered screen renderer.


This is an example for a simple Hello, World! application. For more examples, see examples folder.

use andiskaz::{
use std::{panic, process::exit};

/// Asynchronous main of a tokio project.
async fn main() {
    // Sets panic hook so we can see the panic even if terminal was being used
    // in raw mode.
    panic::set_hook(Box::new(|info| {
        let _ = emergency_restore();
        eprintln!("{}", info);

// Creates a terminal with default settings and runs it.
    let result = Terminal::run(term_main).await;
    // If error, prints it out and exits with bad code.
    if let Ok(Err(error)) | Err(error) = result {
        eprintln!("{}", error);

/// The terminal main function.
async fn term_main(mut term: Terminal) -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Allocates memory for a string which is safe to be printed.
    let string = tstring!["Hello, World! Press any key..."];
    // Style for the string.
    let style = Style::with_colors(Color2::default());
    // Initial rendering.
    term.lock_now().await?.screen().styled_text(&string, style);

    loop {
        // Awaits for an event (key pressed, screen resized, etc).
        let mut session = term.listen().await?;

        // Gets the event for the current terminal session.
        match session.event() {
            // We expect a key to exit the example.
            Some(Event::Key(_)) => break,
            // User resized screen? Then the whole screen was thrown out,
            // re-rendering is required.
            Some(Event::Resize(_)) => {
                session.screen().styled_text(&string, style);
            // Won't really happen since we waited for an event.
            None => (),



  • Provides an interface to system clipboard. Supports Windows, MacOS, Linux (X11), Linux (Wayland).
  • This module provides colors that are usable with the terminal handle implemented by this library.
  • Provides types related to the coordinate system.
  • This module exports error types used by the terminal handles.
  • This module defines input events of a terminal.
  • This module defines screen related utilities.
  • This module provides a string type used to be printed to the terminal. It is called “TermString”. You can use the macro tstring! to build a TermString as a shortcut for TermString::new_lossy.
  • This module provides styles for terminal text.
  • This crate exports a terminal terminal and its utilites.
  • This module exports items related to a “tile” in the screen, i.e. a character with foreground and background colors, corresponding to a graphic unit.
  • UI helpers.


  • Writes the given formatting expression into the file debug.txt.
  • Creates a TermString from string literal. Currently, invalid string get the unicode replacement character in their invalid characters. However, implementation may change to panic in those cases.
  • Concatenates various TermString or TermString-like into a new TermString. It takes everything by reference, and it is possible to mix types.
